Posts in change
Stop Hijacking your Real Ambition: Get Out of Over-ing

Are you over-ing, especially in your career arena?
Are you someone who over-does, over-commits, over-functions?
Are you ready to stop romanticizing work as your main identity?
Over-ing has REAL health consequences and keeps you out of living your true ambition of impact and goodness in the world. This is one of the messages of don’t be 2016 me.

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How to Shift from Rescuer to Coach to Empower Yourself and Others

Taking on other’s work as a Rescuer gave me a temporary rush of purpose and service followed by lots of guilt, worry, anxiety, and emotional exhaustion. What it never did was give them the tools to engage in more effective behaviors, or change how they worked or prioritized tasks, or even how to make more value aligned choices.

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Authentic Voice: What Does it Mean When You Go Along to Get Along

Did you know that we, humans, express 38% of emotional meaning through tone and rhythm of voice and only 7% through our actual words.* All the rest is done through body language. On my quest, I saw clearly my old ingrained pattern of “go along, to get along” through some of the practices we were invited to embody. Practices that asked our soul and true self to step into and share out with others we had just met.

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