Prune the Old and Bloom Bolder, Stronger! It's Your Spring Time!

You, Love, are resilient AF and yearning to BLOOM! Welcome to May!

Nature teaches us so many lessons and mirrors back who we truly are at our core!

A favorite one I see this time of the year is that what is cut down can regrow and bloom better and stronger.

When I bought my 114 year old house 2 years ago - it had an old raspberry patch out back. It had been sorely neglected over years. As I worked to clean and care them back to health, I’ve learned that raspberries teach about a stronger regrowth where there’s intentional care.

For my fellow plant geek read on - for those not skip this paragraph. In my variety, summer fruiting berries grow on 2nd year canes. Older canes stop producing and need to be pruned down to the ground so that the energy can go into fruiting canes and growing new canes for future years. The last two summers, I cut down a car load full of old canes that were chocking life and limiting fruit. I see happy, healthy, green growth.

Hey, again, non-plant friend. The point being. Regrowth (resilience rebuilding) requires knowing what you need to prune out. The old gunk keeps you stuck and congested because it crowds out new growth and causes distraction and entanglement. Insert all the things we’ve been talking about - if you’re knew to my blog you can catch up on resilience not a bounce back - get back to normal bullshitery - but a refining, resting, restoring you - learning how to resource for yourself.

Reflection pause:

  • Where are your personal values and your institutional/work values rubbing against each other? Where do you feel the strongest points of friction?

  • What are you tired of tolerating? What are you D-O-N-E with?

  • Where your lived values not in alignment with your aspirational values?

Quick real world example to this last question. A recent workshop participant, upon doing a similar reflection, noticed that all of their lived values were work related and all their aspirational values were what they wanted in their LIFE!

Who’s ready to shift that shit? I was there 6 or so years ago and completely shifting into living my own values. You can too. Reclaim You 8 week workshop series is MIND-BODY-SOUL BOOTCAMP chocked full of all the things I learned over those years making a transition from a workaholic, poorly coping, gunked up, disconnected, talking head to living my bestest boldest life that keeps getting better.

This is an invitation for pruning out the behaviors you’ve been tolerating because they come out of socialization, others expectations, toxic comparison/competition. Instead so you create space to grow those aspirational ones into your lived ones by making shifts in routine, behaviors, and mindsets.

To bloom - in the way that is boldly and uniquely you - requires knowing your values and purpose and getting out of other folks expectations and wants. Through the pandemic times, this disconnect has been strongly emphasized, and in ways, has exacerbated folks shifts and pivots in and out and up and down and whatever. What if you could make those decisions with greater inner clarity and direction?

Are you ready to join the next Reclaim You - my custom professional development program geared for high achieving folks to reclaim their values, purpose, and impact growth through a mindful, somatic, and nature-based framework? Next cohort starts Wednesday, May 11th, 2022. Sign up and more info at:

What are you waiting for?

What will it cost you to stay stuck and be in this same place in 6 months?