How to Shift from Rescuer to Coach to Empower Yourself and Others
Taking on other’s work as a Rescuer gave me a temporary rush of purpose and service followed by lots of guilt, worry, anxiety, and emotional exhaustion. What it never did was give them the tools to engage in more effective behaviors, or change how they worked or prioritized tasks, or even how to make more value aligned choices.
Recognize your Rescuer Role in the Drama Trauma
I’ve found the Rescuer role is the predominant one folks I work with play - in large part because they are servant leaders/educators and change agents so their energy and efforts are outward seeking naturally. The line between serving and rescuing can be blurry. Rescuers lose their own empowerment and sense of choice in relationships as they slide into over-functioning and over-working.
Feeling Trapped in Drama Trauma Cycles?
Does drama got you all tied up in a knot? Did you know worms tie themselves up when water/nutrients are scarce…maybe your knotted up stomach is giving you a clue, huh! Get out of the drama trauma cycle and into empowerment.