Get off the Conveyor Belt: Transformation is Overdue

I love this phrase a client used - wanting off the conveyor belt.

The conveyor belt is hyper fast paced with continuous noise.
It drowns out any voices from within. It suffocates the authentic voice that wants to be embodied.
The conveyor belt is capitalist cultures oppressive tool.

The result is an exhausted, exploited workforce.
The result is a work culture that keeps us out of being.

Out of being in our bodies because we have to override their needs to sit for hours and days at a desk and computer.
Out of being in connection with Nature because we spend bulk of awake hours inside artificial spaces.
Out of being in relationship with our soul purpose and community contributions.

A conveyor belt runs round and round. Stuck in one pace and cycle. Never truly going anywhere. Lacking forward movement or growth. I think of escalator - how I have to keep my head down gazing at my feet so I don’t trip. In exchange I never look around or see above or even the people around me.

Transformation is a metamorphosis time period of becoming or being otherwise (Donna Haraway language). Sometimes we are thrown into this becoming. Sometimes we are called to become. Sometimes we choose bravely to walk into that cocoon. And some combo.

My Ego wanted to control the metamorphosis by essentially not letting it happen. Or letting small non-impactful parts shift but only within a very small window of tolerance. Mostly my Ego fires up my inner gremlins or protector parts and gets me all distracted with nonsense or seemingly important but not related tasks.

I get it. The Ego’s job is to keep us safe and on track. The problem comes in when our wise self or inner true core being wants something more freeing, more aligned with values and purpose, more impactful, bigger not safer.

When I didn’t know clearly what the path was, I thought I had to figure that out before change could happen. What I understand now though is that there are practices, guides, and shifts that nurture metamorphosis.

And I want you to know this too as I talk to folks all the time these days about - should I change jobs, should I leave my career/field, should I ______ insert whatever tools or words of procrastination and delay and avoidance.

When we are in metamorphosis, we feel our vision but lack a blueprint for how exactly to get there. Accessing that vision through felt sensations and imagining or dreaming states move us into action. Being in communication with Nature as a co-creator and guide fosters a connection to soul and spirit.

Essentially this is so much of what I was doing/being out on the 11 day quest in early August - and the work I’m continuing. I had been molting skins I had outgrown - much like a grasshopper or cicada - and needed an intense reconnection to vision and somatic awareness with Nature as a guide.

So I’ve been changing, like Moth - the One Who Transforms by following the light and living in the shadow. This imagery is so powerful and shifts out of spiritual and emotional bypassing. Rather, we follow the Love with compassion, goodness, gratitude, regeneration, AND we can sit with the shadows of our disowned parts, wounds, sorrows and grief rather than acting out from them or denying them.

Meet Stain Glass Moth who rode Tour de Fat.

Like my clients, I’m done with the conveyor belt trap. I want to live a life that places me actively in our collective ecosystem - taking regenerative action through soul-directed empowerment that promote rebuilding wholeness for all beings and planet. Who is with me?

Let’s connect in my upcoming Reclaim You workshop series or if you’re ready to get off that conveyor belt, let’s connect via my 1:1 mentorship coaching program. Sign up for a free Strategy Call to see what’s a fit for your metamorphosis:


I Learned Love: Lessons from a Recovering Academic


Authentic Voice: What Does it Mean When You Go Along to Get Along