Announcing my new Substack: Dirt & Disobedience

I’ve been writing and working in resilience for years—career resilience, embodied resilience, organizational resilience. Because I want to share more regenerative resources with you and I have a deep love of qualitative research, I categorized over 150 blog posts so I can craft them into new resource files and flows for you this year. I’m excited to share those with you throughout 2025.

This newsletter, Awakening Resilience, will stay short and sweet (mostly) as a regenerative break in your Tuesday workday with practices, reflection questions, and insights. You’ll continue to hear about upcoming events and opportunities on the occasional Thursday updates emails.

Thank you for being here regularly and for sharing this with your friends and colleagues! What, you haven’t shared yet with all your friends? That’s okay, here’s the link! (wink)

And there’s more bounty…

The social scientist and sociologist-trained parts of me have been interested in what happens when we zoom out from our individual careers and life. What happens when we sit with the discomfort of our collective grief as systems and climate collapses, and we all have to figure out the complexity of this moment? What does it look and feel like when we stop trying to patch the old system and instead turn our attention toward what’s being born, that, though painful, can also be beautiful?

That’s what I’m exploring in my new Substack: Dirt & Disobedience!

Dirt & Disobedience is a space for fragmented reflections on the dirty, messy work or as I call it, the unruly edge, that is grounded in climate reality, menopause, midlife, and the deep unlearning of overworking, overgiving, and disconnection. The kind of edge that we might just tip over into–and through–so that we can surrender so that we tap into something wilder, more creative, more regenerative.

It’s a place to hold posts that are a blend of disobedience practices and longer thought pieces. Who knows how it will evolve as we know creative work has a forceful flow all on its own.

What You’ll Find in Dirt & Disobedience:

Living climate-forward– How do we stay engaged and connected while facing climate collapse? What does it look like to live in alignment with this reality that partners greatly with social collapse? How do we garden and grow (literally and figuratively) in such erratic fossil-fueled weather patterns?

Unlearning overwork & fake urgency – How do we slow down when the world is on fire? What does it mean to work and live on our own terms rather than within extractive systems?

Regenerative resilience & creative visioning – How do we hospice the dying world while building the new? How do we tap into our innate creativity and connection to Nature as a guide?

Grief, embodiment & midlife identity in a changing world – How do we process loss—not just of individuals, but of ecosystems, institutions, ways of life? How do we shift from extractive mindsets to more embodied, reciprocal ways of being?

This space is about rewilding—our lives, our work, our yards, and our mindsets. It’s about composting what’s dead and planting something worth growing. It’s about tending, mending, dreaming, and allowing ourselves to transform alongside the world around us. It’s about not knowing any answers but knowing we have to find our way through together.

If that resonates, subscribe here to Dirt & Disobedience.

Let’s get our hands dirty.


Yearning for communal connection over isolating individualization