Tell me if any of this resonates….
“I’m in a shitty place. I’ve got to do something.”
“I know I care and want to make a difference. I want to feel hopeful.”
“I’m fine. It’s fine. Is fine where I want to be though?”
“I know I should, but I get overwhelmed with how and what. So I don’t.”
“I should be able to do it myself, but I need support, connection.”
“I feel selfish choosing or prioritizing myself, but I matter and am a role model.”
You’re wanting more beyond the burnout, dissatisfaction, or isolation with this modern culture of busy.
You’re craving wellbeing, connection to nature, and community.
You’re not willing to sacrifice your values, dreams, and desire.
You’re ready to cut through the bullshitery so you can get out there and make your difference with your life.
You’re primed to rewrite your own rules for living and loving your life!
Together we create accountability for your wellbeing, we (re)connect with your values and purpose, and make a plan for your impact within and for yourself and your community.
I specialize in supporting folks who want to:
-embrace a life of challenge by choice
-(re)envision thriving over surviving
-cut through the lies of society’s stories and workplace toxicity
-get crystal clear on their purpose and values so that they can live an integrated life
-ground into their bodies and nature to co-create their internal wisdom.
Over the last few years, I’ve revolutionized my life from changing my mindset, letting go of beliefs and relationships that weren’t healthy, setting boundaries, and incorporating community and nature connection and advocacy into my purpose to serve. Now I coach and mentor folks who want transformational growth, deep connection, and support so they can step into living their impact in a world full of chaos and crisis.
To dream and live our best life, we need to nourish ourselves by investing in who we want to be, what we want to feel every day, and how we want to do our impact.
As the flight attendant says, please fasten your own oxygen mask first before assisting others!
I coach and mentor the helpers, educators, and advocates to cut through the bullshitery, tap into their internal wisdom, connect to nature, and live their life’s purpose so that they can make their impact and create change for their families and communities.
My Motto
as a Coach, Healer,
& Mentor of Soul and Soil
Nourish the Soul.
To nourish my own soul has meant a life-long pursuit of knowledge through a love of books, travel, and humxn experiences. Through my own pain and suffering, I learned the importance of changing patterns, creating intentional living, and reconnecting to a life worth loving based on the soul’s purpose. Thoughtful interaction and connection with Nature has healing powers for the soul.
Cultivate the Soil.
We are the gardeners of our minds and Mother Earth. To cultivate a garden means to remove weeds and loosen the soil to ensure air, water, and nutrients can penetrate and not just run off. When we cultivate the gardens of our minds, we can be tender by approaching them with curiosity and compassion. We work to identify them, name them, and develop strategies for weeding them out and letting go of what no longer serves our best interests.
Heal the Earth.
When we restore ourselves to purpose and passion, we can restore balance within ourselves and thereby the universe. When each of us starts to self-heal and remove suffering, we can spread well-being to other people and to the Earth. Through this framework, I use Mother Nature as a collaborator to support the inward journey and to support people connecting to the natural world so that we collectively engage in climate action.