The Space of Both/And

Both/And is more than some trendy rhetoric. 

The space it creates feels much more critical.

In that space, we can drop our rigidity and walls of armor. We can soften. We can loosen our grip and hold our worlds more gently.


The transitional seasons, whether in the calendar or our lives, invite in this both/and energy and intention.

Both/And is a paradigm shift that promotes well-being and resilience in a regenerative way, so it’s particularly useful as we transition. In last week’s Grow Boldly workshop, I talked about the transition out of summer into autumn by embracing a softness of both/and.

A softness that creates space for a slow and intentional way of living and working. The both/and that embraces the energy of late summer and the abundant goodness of harvest time.

There’s still some summer left (for those in the Northern Hemisphere). And because we have this abundance, this harvest coming in, and we still have time for a little more summer.

At the workshop, people shared their desire for a more gentle and deliberate approach to their routines and transitions. They value taking things slowly, fostering a sense of spaciousness, and avoiding mindless routines. (Can you relate?)

When you are in either/or, you’re in stuck story world. The feedback loop keeps repeating like a scratched record. With either/or, I see folks get trapped in the drama triangle of victim and rescuer. This creates so much stress and anxiety.

In a both/and space, the energy shifts – creating space to get out of stuckness and into possibilities.


Here are some both/and ideas we talked about in the workshop:

  • Summer is both high energy with activity and lazy days of rest and relaxation.

  • Autumn is both active with harvesting and preparing for shorter days of sunlight.

  • I can both be flexible and not overscheduled with my calendar and get my things done.

  • I can both time block my calendar and change my mind to fit my needs at that time.

What are your own both/and statements that can help you open up to possibilities?

At the workshop, people expressed a desire for intentional, mindful, and balanced approaches to their work, well-being, and personal growth. Here are some reflections to get you started:

  • What different are you craving? What is possible for you in this transition from summer to fall?

  • Where do you want to give yourself permission to feel, do, and believe differently?

  • What do you want to carry forward from summer into autumn that maybe you wouldn't normally think is possible for ‘back to school’ time?


Looking for additional tools and practices? Reach out to me directly


Burnout has become a buzzword


What I learned the hard way - Back to School Edition