I’m a Recovering Creative: Week 2 Reflections on the Artist's Way

That feels like a big step forward for just 2 weeks into this creativity program. I mentioned in my Oct book pile post that for the last 12 weeks of 2019 and the decade, I am doing the 12 week program of Julia Cameron’s in her book, The Artist’s Way, along with a couple coaching friends.

Disclaimer: it would be unfair of me to pretend like this was one of those 2 week ‘couch to marathon’ training programs and look, here I am, arrived, at 2 weeks. No, no, friends. This journey probably started in some form almost 2 years ago.

Hmmm, lots of number 2’s in this post, one moment, I’ll be back. Must consult with Dr. Google about the meaning of this.

Ah, yes, okay, the number 2 symbolizes harmony, balance, consideration, and love. Yes, I desire all of those.

Oh, wait, another site says I need to nurture this relationship more. Yes, that’s likely true, too. Get it, too – two. HA!

Back to creativity.

As a Recovering Creative, some things I believe about creativity at this moment are that...

·      All of us are inherently born creative. Now. Not sure I thought about it much more before these past few months.

·      Most of us will have creativity taught, forced, educated, beaten out of us over our lifetimes. Sadly.

·      Much of mainstream P-20 education in the US educates creativity out of us as children. It does exist in pockets but doesn’t seem to be accessible to all. Deeply sadden by this.

·      True creativity is feared by people in power and institutions unless they are controlling it for their capital benefit. Ya knew it was gonna go back to the patriarchy, right!

·      Creativity is a form of spirituality and mindfulness and meditation. And is needed to keep it all playful and light.

·      To be creative is to know and be ourselves at the core of our being. This is why it is so scary to do.

·      In each moment, I have a choice of whether or not to be my creativity’s most vicious self-saboteur.

As a Recovering Creative, I am instructed to revisit my affirmations we wrote in week one.

Another disclaimer: Writing them was so challenging that I asked my 6 year old for help.

My affirmations:

1.     I’m smart.
2.     I’m funny.
3.     I am loving.
4.     I am creative.

She actually did hers before mine. Her affirmations for herself were:

1.     I am brave.
2.     I’m very smart.
3.     I’m really creative.
4.     I love everything.

I know, AWWW, she’s A-MAZ-ING! And I’ve always said that she is my best teacher in how to live this life well.

As a Recovering Creative, it’s okay that I’m a work in progress because I’m moving forward.

In Upstream, the late great poet, Mary Oliver spoke about writing and she said, “The most regretful people on earth are those who felt the call to creative work, who felt their own creative power restive and uprising, and gave to it neither power nor time.” (p. 30). I believe this applies to each and every one of us whether we are a writer or not; we are all creative!

As a Recovering Creative, I promise this to myself…I will listen to the call, I will support my power rising, I will give you time each day.

What about you? How do you live your call to creativity in your everyday?

With that, peace out friends, I need to go play with Creativity. Have a beautiful week! Be well – be you!