Creative Cocooning

As a leader you can’t afford to skip your creative process.

Creativity is one of the key practices to innovation and resilience.

Creativity requires a reconstruction and deconstruction of sorts, like the metamorphosis process.

Why care about creativity when you have so many pressing issues and too many demands on your time and attention?

Recently, I felt so overwhelmed - overwhelmed with all the world’s issues, the work of running a solo business, and the desires of slow living. At the same time, I was also struck by what a kaleidoscope of beauty and joy exists in the world amidst the chaos and uncertainty that humans have created. This means we can create a different version of the human world that mirrors more the beauty and cycles of Nature.

Many of us live in a work world and society that distracts us from the big picture with external metrics of impact like another line of the CV, achievements, awards, and notoriety. The upcoming Creativity Lab (we start May 22) is a place to refocus from the noise and external distractions and wrap yourself up in creative cocooning to reimagine.

Creativity for a lot of people sounds optional, aspirational, or like a luxury. It’s not. It’s what the world needs from all of us right now to move forward in healthy, paradigm-shifting ways. Often we can’t see the possibilities or know how to even move forward or get started. Structuring our days in creativity helps us see and get unstuck.

This is a big concept, and you can take small steps of creativity work to help you gain clarity and clean out the clutter in your mind. Most of us do not have the luxury of large chunks of time to dedicate, but shorter bursts of guided focus can help you progress in ways that feel replenishing and restorative. I’ll give you a guided pathway in Creativity Lab. You’ll be amazed what one hour a week for six weeks will do.

Tamara Yakaboski