Answering Your Questions

Maybe you missed the news - I revised my mentorship coaching programs by reducing their prices over 20%. This is not a gimmick or quick, slick sales attempt. It’s been a fully embodied response to this question I asked of myself and my business this year:

How am I, both as a human and a business, adapting and transforming myself and my community in ways that are regenerative and mutually beneficial?

Questions I’ve heard so far:

  • Why would you lower your prices?

  • Does that mean business is not good?

  • Are you trying to grow your business or load more people into your work?

  • Why are prices still higher than my therapist's?

  • These prices are reasonable and I need to budget this in. What can I do in the meantime?

Great questions, and ones I’ve processed myself. Jump below to see my answers. Then respond to let me know your thoughts or what other questions you have.

Why would you lower your prices?

Short answer: I hear your feedback and I see what’s happening in our world. Now is the time to dig into our inner work and build community, and I want to make that accessible to more people.

Long answer: The only feedback I ever hear as a barrier to collaborating together is cost and budgeting. When I have calls with potential folks it is always, ‘this feels so right. I resonate fully with this. I want to make these changes in my life and I know you can help me get there with more ease and support.’ And if us working together feels right-aligned and you can see the potential on the other side, then I want to open up access to that.

I’m here doing this work only because I have shifted my own life from one of disassociation and disconnection to fully embodying the power that comes when you learn to harness your inner resilience and let go of burnout and overing culture and patterns. We do this in ways that deepen self-awareness, build skill sets that fit the way your brain and body work, never one size fits all, and with actions that are right-aligned with your deepest values and purpose.

In my work, as in my own life, I am making a conscious shift towards a regenerative model of living, where joy and fulfillment are derived from deep, supportive connections and mindful practices, rather than from over-consumerism and fleeting pleasures.

I’m not here to tell you all the gaps in your life and then plug myself into those gaps in an attempt to make a sale. Having personally broken open out of cocoons time and time again over the last decade, I trust that you know when you’re ready for transformation. Rather, I want you to know I’m here when you’re ready.

I want you to feel that paradigm shift, too, in ways that resonate with your values and the life you want to live and love.

Does that mean business is not good?

Short answer: Business is good, and I have space to grow. I’m confident in the power of this work and what it takes to support it.

Long answer: Everyone is experiencing both a slowdown of traditional growth and also a rapid rise of what I call greedy inflation. I am not interested in living my life in scarcity or having my business promote greed. Rather, I want to share this work with everyone who wants it. I know there needs to be different levels of access points without overworking or overextending myself either.

I’m learning the natural cycles of this work and how to flow rather than think linearly. I finally have such clarity that my business currently has three arms: the individual (that’s you), organizational teams and leaders (maybe that’s you, too), and community climate work (could be future you?). Each one of those aspects has its own cycle, and I know how many folks I can engage with and maintain a healthy workflow.

My organizational work allows me to lower 1:1 prices, engage in the community climate work I am called to, and keep weekly content free to anyone and accessible by email and social media. I’m grateful. So if you have an organizational team or leader that you can connect me with that will allow me to create more sliding scales and scholarship spots for 1:1 work.

Are you trying to grow your business or load more people into your work? 

Short answer: Yes. I know clearly my capacity to hold space for this work and I only want to invite in folks who are ready to make some major shifts as there are limited spots. 

Long answer: As my business has evolved to have these three parts (individual, organizational, and community), I know that my capacity to engage in 1:1 work with you in ways that are regenerative and right-aligned. The work we do is intense. I aim to make my calendar easily available to you for scheduling. I aim to build in time between calls so that I am fully present and ready for you. 

I get to witness when a client switches from the burnout-exhausting relationship with work and life that fits a hustle-and-grind paradigm to a more regenerative relationship. I aim to role model that and what it means to live regeneratively through work - the work right now is building my own business outside of the typical. 

In the way that we often enter our conversations talking about career, I often say that all aspects of life are interconnected. We may enter into our first conversation about change through the doorway of career shifts and professional development. And I guarantee that on the other side of our work you will feel the regenerative shifts ripple out across all your relationships and actions in really embodied, aligned ways.

Why are prices still higher than my therapist? 

Short answer: You get more varied support in these containers than in therapy because our work is different. If you do the calculations for 1:1 and community work, the per-hour cost is often lower (geographically dependent). 

Long answer: My model for mentorship coaching and community varies a lot from traditional talk therapy. When you invest in any mentorship coaching package with me you get:

  • Mindset shift work

  • Resilience skill set building strategies

  • Professional and leadership mentorship 

  • Built collaborative community with other growth-oriented people

  • Client community 90-day planning sessions 

  • Content-filled, research-backed workshops

  • Creativity workshops

  • Group coaching curriculum and programs 

  • Accountability for continual reflection and revision 

In any given month you can engage in 4-6 hours of live real support tailored to you. When you divide the monthly cost by those hours, it is on par or lower than the cost of therapy. I’ll speak for myself, having worked with both therapists and coaches, that engaging in one or both needs to come with aligning your intention and goals for that work. If you are not clear, let’s talk it over. 

What I know about the mentorship coaching and community model that I have built is that when we engage, we make tons of movement in our work together. This is in part because I’m trained in therapeutic interventions as well as professional and leadership development as an organizational sociologist.

These prices are reasonable and I need to budget this in. What can I do in the meantime?

Short answer: I am anti ‘all or nothing,’ so let’s embrace ‘both/and’ instead. Join our community program while you plan out your budget and timeline for adding in 1:1 work. 

Long answer: I’m a fan of budgeting and planning your personal and professional development. This might mean strategizing to get institutional funds for this work as leadership and professional development. I can help with that by providing you with an invoice and professional development outcomes and justification. If institutional support isn’t available and you need time to build up that budget line, then join our community program to get access to bimonthly calls and workshops.

I started this community program as a way for previous clients and group coaching workshop participants to stay connected and harness momentum. You can join too because I know how important it is to be surrounded by other folks who are doing their own version of growth and change work. It’s powerful to feel connected and supported rather than our world’s typical isolation and individualism.

Being open to receiving support and community is part of this work.

Want to learn more about 1:1 mentorship coaching? Let’s chat.

Have an institutional leader you could connect me with? Hit reply.


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