Creativity isn’t a luxury

“Ugghhh. I really want to work on this idea I have, but I just don’t have the time.”

Does that sound familiar, ? It does to me, because I hear that a lot. Or here’s another one.

“As soon as I can get xyz off my plate, then I can devote my time and energy to creating and dreaming.”

You aren’t ever going to have time.

You have to make the time and be intentional. I know bandwidth is low. And I also know that creative rest paired with a supportive community will increase that bandwidth. That’s why I created Creative Cocooning. It will grow your window of tolerance if you let it.

Creativity isn’t a luxury or optional when you want to live a life of impact. You need space to be. To dream. To try something a little risky while being held in a supportive community. To play with your creative project without a required attachment to output, production, or publication. (Although those may happen as a pleasant ripple effect to showing up for your creative restoration.) 

Creativity for a lot of people sounds like a luxury. Creative rest - of the seven types of needed rest - is likely the one that gets kicked off to ‘some other day’ that rarely ever comes around. Rest is an active state of regenerating resilience. Resilience is how you adapt and transform yourself and your environment. From that framework, creative rest is required, not optional or a luxury. Your impact matters most right there at home within you. Then it ripples out through your circles of community that include work. 

Creativity from this framework is restorative and regenerative, meaning it refuels you rather than being another to-do on your list. It prevents burnout or rustout, in part, because creativity keeps you in right-alignment with yourself. See, it’s not a luxury; it’s a must-have. 

Imagine starting the summer with the combination of calm clarity partnered with inner motivation on what you need or want to create, to offer into the world and work. I’ve created this container of Creative Cocooning for you!

Tamara Yakaboski